This Week’s Good Reads

morning paperEvery week I compile a collection of articles from around the web that I’ve found interesting. On Saturdays I like to share those with my readers. Here’s this week’s interesting articles. I think you’ll find something here that catches your attention too:

1. “Snapchat and the Ghost of Communication” by Brad Williams

I still have no clue what snapchat is, I am okay with that too, but Brad Williams gives some endearing reflections here on the nature of communication and developing long-term relationships.

2. “Scripture and Counseling: God’s Word for Life in a Broken World” by Bob Kellemen

The Biblical Counseling Coalition has another new book coming out, this one on the particulars of using Scripture in Biblical Counseling. I loved their first volume, so I anticipate this next contribution will be equally as valuable. Here, Kellemen gives us a sneak peek at the preface of the book.

3. “The Scientifically Best Time to Drink Your Coffee” by Melanie Pinola

Here’s some science I can get behind. Although, it seems to me that the best time to drink coffee is a “all-the-time.”

4. “Review: Paul And The Faithfulness of God” by Douglas Moo

Wright finally released his massive two-volume work on Paul, and Doug Moo took to the ever difficult task of reviewing it. His general consensus on the book, he says, was one of “Yes, but…”

5. “10 Errors to Avoid When Talking About Sanctification” by Kevin DeYoung

Sanctification is such a complex subject and talking about it Biblically requires a great deal of careful articulation and nuance. Here DeYoung lists ten common errors that Christians make as we talk about our growth in holiness. Certainly more could be added, but this is a good list.

6. “Fox News’ Highly Reluctant Jesus’ Follower” by Kristen Powers

Powers shares her own conversion story here at Christianity Today. It’s a beautiful story, as all conversions are, of the power and grace of God. I try to remind our folks often that no one’s conversion story is the same, and for some people conversion is more like an uninvited train wreck than a joyful transition. Powers’ story highlights that reality.

7. “Why Complimentarian Women Should Read Jesus Feminist” by Lore Ferguson

Here is a fascinating review of a provocative book from a member of The Village Church. Since this is a review from a Complimentarian of an Egalitarian book that makes this worth reading. Ferguson warns readers of some of the obvious biases and shortcomings of the book, but also suggests that we give it a fair hearing. It’s good to hear other voices, and I think it’s important to hear other voices on this subject, since the church seems a crazy mess over issues related to gender roles. If I can’t be an Egalitarian, I nonetheless wonder if some Christians aren’t more Complimentarian than they are Biblical. Sarah Bessey’s book, at least according to Ferguson, can offer us another angle to consider.

8. “The Myth of Magic Neutral Time” by Derek Rishmawy

You can’t take a break from Jesus and think you’ll be able just to pick things up where you left them. My friend Derek Rishmawy warns all of us, especially college students, not to believe the myths and stories we tell ourselves about faith and life.

9. “10 Love Challenges” by David Murray

Murray translates the nebulous phrase “love others” into some real tangible acts in this post. This is so worthy of your time, friends.

10. “How I Shut Down Two Porn Shops” by Anthony Ashley

Here’s the secret that Ashley reveals in this post: he prayed and trusted God to answer his prayers. What parts of your city do you need to consistently pray to ask God to change? Will you pray and believe?

11. “Meet the ‘Hip’ Christian Right-Wingers Trying to Make Conservative Christianity  Look Cool for the Kids” by Amanda Marcotte

This is one of the most condescending pieces of tripe parading as actual journalism I have read in a while. Marcotte doesn’t seem to understand anything of the context of Christian cultural interaction, the nature of legalism and freedom, nor does she seemingly have a desire to understand it. Instead, she just mocks the idea that Christianity can be a balanced expression of “in the world, but not of the world.”

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