
My name is Dave Dunham, and I may or may not have a coffee problem. But since I help pastor a growing church in the Detroit metro area and serve as a Biblical counselor I can use the extra energy. I have helped to plant churches and  served as a church consultant, with The Society for Church Consulting. I have taught courses at both a local university and at an interdenominational Free Seminary. I have also had the privilege of writing for a number of wonderful outlets, including: Relevant Magazine, Leadership Journal, The Gospel Coalition, The Biblical Counseling Coalition, Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission, and Christ and Pop Culture. I am also the author of two books: Addictive Habits: Changing for Good published by P&R, 2018, and Table for Two: Biblical Counsel for Eating Disorders (which I co-wrote with my wife) published by New Growth Press, 2021.

I currently serve as Associate Pastor at Cornerstone Baptist Church in Roseville, MI.  I received a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature and Pre-Theology from Ohio University, and a Masters of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

This blog, which you have clearly stumbled onto by accident, is an attempt to synthesize my own thoughts, and to encourage the spiritual growth of the church I serve. Mondays I post book reviews, and the rest of the week I am reflecting on theology and soul care.

Grace and peace,
