2024 Study Project Plans

It’s that time of year where I start planning for next year’s focused study project. Each year I pick one subject that I am going to spend a year researching and wrestling with. This past year I spent time reflecting on Francis Schaeffer and it was absolutely wonderful. I wish I had more time to reflect as I didn’t get to all that I had hoped to read and research. But, alas, the year is getting ready to roll over and I need a new topic.

I follow a general outline when it comes to selecting topics:

  • Biblical –> Here I research in detail a particular book of the Bible. In the recent past I have explored Leviticus and James.
  • Doctrinal –> Here I would spend focused time researching and studying a particular doctrinal subject. In the recent past I have examined the spiritual gifts and the humanity of Christ.
  • Historical –> Here I am looking at a particular person, movement, or moment in history and its relevance for the modern church. My 2023 study on Francis Schaeffer fell in this category.
  • Practical –> Here I am attempting to zero in on a specific topic related to ministry. The goal is to better develop a philosophy of ministry on the subject and specific strategies for implementation. In the past I have studied subjects like church planting, misfit ministry, and discipleship.

The plan is useful because it helps me keep up diverse interests and develop across multiple areas. If I am following my plan then that means this year I should be studying something in the in the “Practical” category.

Here are some of the ideas I am thinking about for next year; you can help me decide what I study:

  • Leadership –> This topic could help me on multiple fronts. On the one hand I need to hone these skills and become better at leadership. On the other hand, Krista and I are in the process of writing a book for P&R on power dynamics in marriage and this would have some related relevance.
  • Trauma Counseling –> Here’s an area of ministry that interests me a great deal and I have a longing to better develop my competency in this arena. Increasingly we have more and more cases like this and it will be important to grow as a counselor in this area.
  • Church Growth –> I have only given minimal thought to the best evaluations of church growth. There’s lots of discussion about this topic, much of which is rooted in more secular concepts borrowed from the business world. But it would be of interest and value to consider what’s a Biblical goal and Biblical means of evaluation as it relates to church growth.
  • A Theology of Starting Over –> I am have some interest in helping others thing, in Biblical ways, about starting over when life has gone wrong. I’d love to explore in more detail what a Biblical approach to a “fresh start” looks like in a world full of sin, shame, and consequence.

What do you think I should study? Maybe one of these topics feels interesting to you, or maybe you have an idea I haven’t even considered. Share with me your thoughts. I’ll be putting out a bunch of concluding thoughts on Francis Schaeffer over these next two months, but help me prepare for next year.


  1. My vote is “starting over”—but whatever you choose it will be a great topic!

    Stacey Preuss

    PS appreciated your seminar—God has provided opportunity to encourage several sufferers this week—what a joy to be more aware of their unique challenges and the great hope we have in Christ.

    Hope you and Krista have a great Fall…


  2. My vote is trauma, which is multifaceted in financial, health, and spiritual ways, not to mention everything going on in this world. Truthfully, it could be paired easily with starting over!

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